

使用友善環境種植的稻米、日本氣流粉碎技術,製造出品質優良的台灣米穀粉 。



Realseed Milling Co., Ltd. was established in 2016 and includes the brands Realseed Rice Flour and Realseed Rice Bakery.


佳實米穀粉使用台灣栽種的稻米加上日本氣流粉碎技術,在米穀粉專用廠房裡,製造出各式各樣的米穀粉。天然無添加的佳實系列米穀粉,可用在各種料理,在中式烹飪方面,如煎餅、酥炸、勾芡、各式傳統糕點等,在西式烘焙方 面,可烤製蛋糕、鬆餅、餅乾、米糆包等,是國產無麩質的優良食材。

The many different rice flour varieties in the Realseed Rice Flour collection are all milled using top-quality locally grown Taiwanese rice. We use Japanese super power milling technology to produce the finest flour in a dedicated gluten-free rice flour milling factory. All Realseed Rice Flours are natural and additive-free and can be used for a variety of culinary and baking purposes. For Taiwanese-style cooking, they can be used in savory pancakes, for deep frying, thickening, and all kinds of traditional steamed rice cakes. For Western-style baking, they can be used to make cakes, pancakes, cookies, and rice breads. We are proud to produce the highest quality of gluten-free ingredients from local rice.



In addition to producing rice flours for our own brand, we also accept small and diverse contract orders from chemical-free and organic rice farmers. We hope that by doing so we can assist farmers in diversifying the products they offer by developing specialty rice-based added-value products.



Realseed Rice Bakery uses our own rice flour to develop a variety of frozen gluten-free baked goods in our specialized gluten-free bakery and freezing facility, with a particular focus on the development of gluten-free rice breads. All of the products we develop are natural


佳實友善栽培米穀粉 Realseed Taiwanese Grain Rice Flours:

  • 白米米穀粉 White Rice Flour
  • 糙米米穀粉 Brown Rice Flour 
  • 在來米米穀粉 Indica Rice Flour
  • 圓糯米米穀粉 Glutinous Rice Flour
  • 糙米鬆餅預拌粉 Brown Rice Waffle/Pancake Mix
  • 黑米杯糕預拌粉 Black Rice Cupcake Mix


佳實有機米穀粉 Realseed Organic Rice Flours:

  • 有機白米米穀粉 Organic White Rice Flour
  • 有機糙米米穀粉 Organic Brown Rice Flour
  • 有機在來米米穀粉 Organic Indica Rice Flour
  • 有機圓糯米米穀粉 Organic Glutinous Rice Flour


佳實無麩米烘焙 Realseed Rice Bakery:

  • 白米米貝果(全素) White Rice Bagels (Vegan)
  • 糙米米貝果(全素) Brown Rice Bagels (Vegan)
  • 黑米米貝果(全素) Black Rice Bagels (Vegan)
  • 奶油糙米包(奶素) Butter Brown Rice Bread (Contains Dairy)
  • 椰油白米包(全素) Coconut Oil White Rice Bread (Vegan)
  • 糙米披薩皮(全素) Brown Rice Pizza Crust (Vegan)
  • 原味米戚風(蛋素) Brown Rice Chiffon (Dairy free,Cotains egg)
  • 巧克力糙米戚風蛋糕(蛋素) Choco Brown Rice Chiffon(Dairy free)
  • 雙色奶油小西餅(蛋奶素) Butter Rice Cookies(Cotains Dairy,Nuts)
  • 糙米義大利脆餅(蛋素) Brown Rice Biscotti(Cotains egg,Nuts)







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